McKinsey & Company – “The State of AI in 2020”


This report from McKinsey & Company provides an in-depth analysis of the current state of AI technologies, highlighting the rapid advancements and integration of AI across various industries. It discusses the significant investments in AI, the evolving regulatory landscape, and the potential economic impact of these technologies.

Link: McKinsey & Company Report

Deloitte Insights – “Tech Trends 2021”


Deloitte’s “Tech Trends 2021” report offers a comprehensive look at the key technology trends expected to reshape industries in the near future. It includes a section on AI and machine learning, exploring how these technologies are becoming more sophisticated and increasingly integral to business strategies.

Link: Deloitte Insights Report

Harvard SEAS – “The Present and Future of AI”


This article from Harvard’s John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) discusses the current state and future prospects of AI. It is based on the most recent report from the One Hundred Year Study on Artificial Intelligence (AI100), a project hosted at Stanford University. The report, titled “Gathering Strength, Gathering Storms,” explores how AI is increasingly impacting our lives in various settings, from everyday applications to more complex systems like autonomous driving and automated medical diagnoses.

Link: Harvard SEAS Article


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